Pinay Law Blog

Real Estate Litigation: How to Stay Out of It
Recently it is generally an area of law I consider “happy law.” It’s generally a win, win, win situation where a willing seller sells a property to a willing buyer and, if it’s not a cash deal, a happy bank helps create this American Dream. While most real estate transactions work this way, there are…

Valentine’s Day Special: Tips for Post-Divorce Love
While divorce is not generally a pleasant experience, there are many people who find love again after divorce. Sometimes people find love quickly, while others may take time to find love. Most people do not want to get divorced again. Below are my tips for people finding love a second time. 1. Take your Time. I…

Divorce and Money: When the Wife Makes More Than Her Husband
In my practice, I represent many RN wives who are highly-educated and command six figure salaries. They are not only the breadwinners, but they are also the main caregiver for the children. Despite these qualities, their marriages are falling apart. Typically, the husband has an affair. One day, I will write a book on this…

Navigating the Thought of Divorce During the Holidays
The holiday season is often painted as a time of joy, celebration, and family togetherness. However, for many individuals, it can also bring to the surface deep-seated unhappiness and a growing realization that their marriage might no longer be working. If you find yourself grappling with thoughts of divorce during the holidays, know that you…

Know Your Rights: Using Interpreters in Your Legal Case
The United States is a “melting pot” of so many cultures, which is why I enjoy living here so much. While English is the primary language spoken in the United States, not everyone in the United States is fluent in English. The justice system recognizes this and therefore, if you are summoned to court for…

Estate Planning Basics: The Three Most Important Estate Planning Documents
People think that estate planning is only for rich people. Everyone can benefit from estate planning. So long as you are over the age of 18 years old, a little bit of estate planning goes a long way. Below are the most important Estate Planning documents for every person: 1. Power of Attorney for Healthcare. The…